Clear Leadership
1-on-1 Leadership Coaching involves regular one-to-one conversations that encourage you to think differently and see new perspectives.
As a safe and trusted sounding-board, Rex as your coach, partners with you to overcome your challenges, realise the opportunities around you and reach your goals.
Our leadership workshops and programs range from 3-hour once-off workshops to leadership development programs delivered over a few months.
If you’re looking for a bespoke workshop or program that will build leadership capability in your organisation, please contact us to discover how we can help.
If you want to be the best people leader you can be and create a team culture this is inspiring, effective and successful, you need to know yourself AND your people… really really well.
Dream it.
Sometimes, what is right in front of you is the least obvious to see.
Coaching discovers your blind spots and helps to remove barriers to your success. You will have clarity and confidence to lead yourself and others more effectively.
Build it.
What does your team want to be known for?
We understand that change is scary and challenging. We help teams become highly effective by strengthening relationships and gaining agreement on what success looks like.
Clear Career
1-on-1 Career Coaching involves regular one-to-one conversations that assist you to think differently, take control of your own career and find career fulfilment.
If you want to change careers, gain that promotion or obtain clarity on your career direction, then Career Coaching will help.
Our 3-hour Career Workshops include topics covering effective applications and cover letters, building a strong resumé and interviewing for success.
Our Outplacement Career Transition Program combines a tailored full-day career transition workshop with 1-on-1 career coaching sessions for each participant.
To find career success you need self-confidence, self-awareness and strong communication skills – then, and only then, are you able to confidently articulate your true value.
Dream it.
Confidence is a result. You don’t need confidence first – you need courage.
Career coaching uncovers the skills, talents and experience that you have to offer your next employer or team. When you can clearly articulate who you are and what you have to offer – you will find career fulfilment.
Build it.
In 5-years’ time, what do YOU want to be known for?
We help people like you to improve your job search materials and increase your confidence during job interviews. Your career progress is your responsibility – but you don’t need to go it alone.